Xd_Over wrote:What I am curious of is if you bring additional things from the upcoming expansion packs (WoM Spells, Men at Arms, Artifacts and Treasure etc..)
How much it effect the early game. and how you would introduce the new spell decks from WoM (Wizard/Elf purchases the spells like Weapons in the Armory or should they have the option to choose them from Mission 1)
In a sense, I have done this:
drathe had made extra treasure cards for Keller's Keep and Return of the Witch Lord accessible to the US version; combining this with the original treasure deck, and a few cards from the expansion packs like Poison, Magical Traps, Potion of Magical Aptitude, Air Walk, Potion of Magic Resistance (I did not include Potions of Warmth, Elven Cloak of Passage, Wolvesbane Potion, Treasure Hoard, Potion of Alchemy and Potion of Charm as some of these are irrelevant until their corresponding expansion packs). This did create a bit more rarity in the cards, as Potion of Healing becomes more scarce with additional cars and there are other dangers besides wandering monsters and hazards.
The expansion spells were played right away, as the Elf preferred his Elven custom spells, and the Wizard had a wider variety to choose from. He usually picked 2 of the original (Fire and Earth) and 1 of the newer ones. But when Melar's Maze came up and Talisman of Lore came into play, I let the players vote if an additional mind point would give the wizard and elf an additional set of spells (if it went to the Dwarf and he was raised to 4 MP he would be allowed to use only Earth spells).
To counter this the poison cards in the Treasure deck that effect mind points causes the hero who drank it to lose a set of spells if the mind point was lost. Of course, I also upped the ante and allowed other bosses to use spells (I let Ulag use 3 Orc Shamen Spells, and gave the Witch Lord Reanimation from the Mage of the Mirror Chaos Spells.
The Wizard would then tactically listen to the introduction trying to determine which spells would be most useful. If he knew he would be fighting a boss, such as the Fire Mage, he would choose Spells of Protection, attempting to utilize the Dispell.
I felt Men-at-Arms would give the heroes too much of an edge, so I saved those for the Frozen Horror and Wizard's of Morcar expansions.