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What order should the quest packs be played?

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Re: What order should the quest packs be played?

Postby zep » Friday March 6th, 2009 9:53pm

I really hope we can arrange to play them all! That just seems like oodles of fun! :mrgreen:

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Re: What order should the quest packs be played?

Postby Phoenix » Friday March 6th, 2009 9:53pm

We shall see!!

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Best quest order?

Postby darthjason » Saturday January 30th, 2010 5:33pm

What is the best order to play the expansions in? I'm mostly wondering about the barbarian and elf quest packs scene their plots don't seem to suggest which quest they should be played before/after. Also some of the unofficial quests and expansions look pretty cool, do some fit better at certain point in the game or should I just save those until after I’ve done all the official expansions? Thanks.
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Re: Best quest order?

Postby Phoenix » Saturday January 30th, 2010 9:35pm

I have asked myself and other this question many times. The final answer is: "It's up to you"

Seriously, it's your call. It seems like a cop out, but the truth. The better question would be, "what is everybody else doing, insofar as order?"

In that case, here is my recently redesigned answer:

The Gathering Storm (the original 14 Quests from the Main Game)
Kellar's Keep
Return of the Witch Lord
-The Halls of Durrag-Dol
-The Plague of Zombies (from the back of the Adventure Design Kit)
-Revenge of the Weather-Man
-The Inn of Chaos
-The Eyes of Chaos
Against the Ogre Horde
The Wizards of Zargon (or Morcar, if you prefer)
The Dark Company
The Frozen Horror (Barbarian Quest Pack)
The Mage in the Mirror (The Elf Quest Pack)

Then likely on to some of my Quests and likely those created by drathe and others.

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What's the chronology of your play?

Postby Nephew of Mentor » Tuesday February 21st, 2012 2:45am

So, for those of you who have played or know enough about all of the Heroquest quests published (books, magazines, expansions, comic book, etc) what is the chronology you use for order of campaigns. For example, I have read that dark company is incredibly long and difficult so it would come late in the chronology, but what about the solo quests and those types of quests? I'm interested in as many different suggestions as you can offer, so let me know how you organize them and maybe a little explanation why. Thanks a lot.
Sure it's pretty scary when the witch lord returns but what you should really be afraid of is "Resurrection of the Witch Lord". Resurrected baddies always come back more threatening than ever, usually kind of demonic with wings and horns and hell fire to announce their arrival. Think Gannondorf or Mother Brain from Super Metroid.

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Re: What's the chronology of your play?

Postby Goblin-King » Tuesday February 21st, 2012 6:16am

Game System
Kellars Keep
Return of the Witch Lord
Against the Ogre Horde
Wizards of Morcar
These tell one chronological story and it's not really a question if they should be played in this order. It's pretty much set in stone.
The rest of the expansions and published quests are stand alone campaigns and could be played in any order in my opinion.


The frozen Horror campaign should be played before A Growl of Thunder. And preferably with another campaign in between.
In FH the barbarian finally returns after having been away a long time and is celebrated. In aGoT he is just visiting and is not celebrated the same way.
This only makes sense if tFH happened first. And he would have to leave for another quest to be able to visit. These are really the only clues I found as to the order.

And yes, I would prefer Dark Company as the final official quest.

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Re: What's the chronology of your play?

Postby drathe » Tuesday February 21st, 2012 2:39pm

Typical Play Order (for official expansions):

  1. Game System
  2. Kellar's Keep
  3. Return of the Witch Lord
  4. Against the Ogre Horde
  5. Wizards of Morcar
  6. Mage of the Mirror
  7. The Frozen Horror
  8. The Dark Company

1-5 go together based on storyline. 6-7 can be played either way, but The Frozen Horror is the more difficult of the two. 8 can be played at any point in the story, but is a huge and difficult quest best saved for last.

The other published quests are great for playing between expansions. Read through them and use your best judgment on when to play them based on the experience and skill of your players. Same goes for fan-made quests.

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Re: What's the chronology of your play?

Postby mako-heart » Thursday February 23rd, 2012 5:55pm

So your telling me i can hire merc for mage of the mirror, how could wizards of zargon come before the elf exp.? I just looked at my origainl elf book and there is no mention of hired men. But that would expalin why i always thought that the elf exp seamed so impossible i was just following the book. please exsplain? :2cents: I play the North American edition also do you ever get to fight zargon/mocar in Darkcompany?

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Re: What's the chronology of your play?

Postby Nephew of Mentor » Monday March 12th, 2012 4:52am

I'm starting to combine the side quests published in White Dwarf, Marvel, Adventures Unlimited, and the Novels all together into one or two booklets. Would anyone be interested in rating the difficulty level of each according to how easy or hard it would be to beat them with starter characters? How about a scale of 1-10 with one being a cake walk(The Maze) and ten being inevitable doom(Dark Company). What do you think?
Sure it's pretty scary when the witch lord returns but what you should really be afraid of is "Resurrection of the Witch Lord". Resurrected baddies always come back more threatening than ever, usually kind of demonic with wings and horns and hell fire to announce their arrival. Think Gannondorf or Mother Brain from Super Metroid.

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Re: What's the chronology of your play?

Postby Sjeng » Monday March 12th, 2012 8:01am

drathe wrote:
  1. Game System
  2. Kellar's Keep
  3. Return of the Witch Lord
  4. Against the Ogre Horde
  5. Wizards of Morcar
  6. The Dark Company
  7. Mage of the Mirror
  8. The Frozen Horror

I also plan on doing the 4 magazine quests at the ***, in the order they were published:
Halls of Durrag-Dol
Revenge of the Weather Mage
Inn of Chaos
Eyes of Chaos

then the fanmade quest "ooo" tears of time passed before Mirror and Horror
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