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Tweaking the Giant Wolf and ogre

Discuss Quests, Cards, Monsters etc, from the Elf Quest Pack: The Mage of the Mirror.

Tweaking the Giant Wolf and ogre

Postby Vorimir » Monday April 24th, 2023 1:30pm

I guys. I dont like the giant wolves as they are, another 6 dices attack monster wich can even attack diagonally. I would preffer the ogre to be the only 6D attack so was thinking about the wolves...
I think Ill give them two attacks per round, one with 3D and other with 2D but as you know heroes could only defend from one (they choose to defend after I roll first attack). Like polar warbears but with worse attack.

By the way, I understand the 10 to 5 hit points in the ogres but gonna give them a defensive ability (my heroes can level up and gain skills and extra dices so...):
Towering brute: when you attack and defend agains an ogre trest yourself as if you are in a pit trap (1 less dice in both). Non cummulative if you already are in a pit trap.

Ogre Warrior
Ogre Warrior
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Re: Tweaking the Giant Wolf and ogre

Postby Vorimir » Sunday October 22nd, 2023 5:01am

Next week we'll start this Quest pack. Finally I'll let the ogres as in the remake (5 BP) but I want them to be the only 6 dice attack monsters so I'm nerfing the wolf attack dices to 4. BUT I want to give wolves a special ability to make up for. Ill give them the Ability to attack with 2 dices every time they are attacked with a melee attack but they survive.

Ill also give elven warriors movement 8 and Ill probably nerf ROTDM Mage guards movement to 6.

Ogre Warrior
Ogre Warrior
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Re: Tweaking the Giant Wolf and ogre

Postby Vorimir » Tuesday February 6th, 2024 11:35pm

In case you are interested:
I left ogres and elves untouched but changed wolves. Instead of Attack 6 I gave them Attack 4 but also the skill Sharp fangs: If a hero is wounded by a wolf and only gets 1BP of damage he suffers 2 instead. This is applies after the defense roll. So a wolf rolls 3 skulls, a hero rolls 2 shields... He gets 2BP damage. Its working fine.
Inalso gabe a wolfskin cloak that protects the carrier frol this skill and can also re roll 1 dwfense dice.per quest but if you re roll a black shield the cloak has been destroued and you discard it.

Ogre Warrior
Ogre Warrior
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Re: Tweaking the Giant Wolf and ogre

Postby TheLastChaosWarrior » Saturday February 24th, 2024 2:43pm

I like this. 6 die attack for the wolves IS too much.
They are agile with great reflexes, so I like to think they should have more defense dice to represent that, so you're not as likely to hit them, but they are not armoured at all, so maybe with less body points.
I'm sort of ok with six attack dice in theory, because again they are super quick, so should have high chance of hitting.
It's ok when they roll six, and score maybe three or four skulls, so the victim will take a few hits.
The problem is when they roll five or, god forbid, six skulls.
That's insta death from something that is attacking an armoured fighter with just teeth.
If they only attack with four dice, they won't often even hit a geared up Hero, and they are basically no different to a standard Gargoyle. Just faster.
It's an awkward one to fix, I suppose if you nerf it's bps, at least it won't be around long to attack with six dice!

Ogre Chieftain
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