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Credulous wrote:. . .
Some design points for people to contribute on:
Credulous wrote:i) Have included text on 5 potions of healing per character as per ATOH. Given this is a very difficult quest pack, I thought this might be a good carry over from ATOH, but thoughts welcome? Maybe with the existing potion rules ported from NA version this is overkill?
Credulous wrote:ii) Need to sort out any blank treasure chests and decide what to do with them (this might include leaving them blank). Will need to refer to link Kurgan provided earlier in this thread.
Credulous wrote:iii) On quest Tomuk's Guests, I'm probably going to change the door leading into room A to be a secret one, which helps thematically with suddenly finding a load of undead in the next two rooms. Thoughts? Might do similar for room with tomb in bottom right corner as well.
Credulous wrote:iv) On quest Gliness Fen, I might make the door behind the Ogre in room F need the brass key to open (again to explain sudden transition to undead).
Credulous wrote:v) The Gathering Storm lots of undead-Ogre rooms. Pondering how to improve this thematically without changing the balance of the quest too much??!
vi) Hidden realms part i, ii = few awkward transitons between greenskins and undead but might just have to live with this, given how many changes would need to be made.. . .
Daedalus wrote:Credulous wrote:. . .
Some design points for people to contribute on:
As a general comment, I'd suggest including a short preface describing changes to the original. That way the reader knows where and why the original has been improved.Credulous wrote:i) Have included text on 5 potions of healing per character as per ATOH. Given this is a very difficult quest pack, I thought this might be a good carry over from ATOH, but thoughts welcome? Maybe with the existing potion rules ported from NA version this is overkill?
Something is needed for the difficulty, so sounds like an idea worth playtesting as some groups may not have mercenaries. It also might be more fun and expansion specific to award one of each of the new potions from the Alchemist’s Shop instead.Credulous wrote:ii) Need to sort out any blank treasure chests and decide what to do with them (this might include leaving them blank). Will need to refer to link Kurgan provided earlier in this thread.
Including the Elven Bracers in one of the chests is probably a good idea. After that, my opinion is to leave the other two empty. Cupboards are left bare most of the time, so a disappointment from an empty chest shouldn't be unexpected, in my opinion. It's only one vain treasure search--the Hero won't cry . . . much.
Credulous wrote:iii) On quest Tomuk's Guests, I'm probably going to change the door leading into room A to be a secret one, which helps thematically with suddenly finding a load of undead in the next two rooms. Thoughts? Might do similar for room with tomb in bottom right corner as well.
Personally, I'm not concerned about a Necromancer with Command and Reanimation spells stacking undead next to greenskins. However, a secret door is cooler, so do it if it feels right. I'd say one one at the top since it would hide the healing potions.Credulous wrote:iv) On quest Gliness Fen, I might make the door behind the Ogre in room F need the brass key to open (again to explain sudden transition to undead).
Or just have the Ogre block the door and shout "Holdor, Holdor!"
Credulous wrote:v) The Gathering Storm lots of undead-Ogre rooms. Pondering how to improve this thematically without changing the balance of the quest too much??!
vi) Hidden realms part i, ii = few awkward transitons between greenskins and undead but might just have to live with this, given how many changes would need to be made.. . .
There are some messes in these Quests, that's for sure. Sinestra must either have the monsters terrified of her or has enchanted them.
Kurgan wrote:Good to see your progress, but a question...
Are you handling Falling Rock trap behavior differently in this conversion? I seem to remember the EU traps functioning based on touching an arrow and the rock falling on a different square vs the NA's "step on a square and it falls on your head" effect.
PS: The back cover looks cool, and this is a nitpick, but shouldn't it say 1992?
Credulous wrote:Kurgan wrote:Good to see your progress, but a question...
Are you handling Falling Rock trap behavior differently in this conversion? I seem to remember the EU traps functioning based on touching an arrow and the rock falling on a different square vs the NA's "step on a square and it falls on your head" effect.
PS: The back cover looks cool, and this is a nitpick, but shouldn't it say 1992?
It was touching the falling block symbol square and then the trap falling on the arrow square but you are basically correct. So good point! I haven't adjusted for this, partially because there is at least one example of there being no arrow in the European system (the falling block trap in Barak Tor - Barrow of the Witchlord; but then that is a bit of a special case!).
I'll take that away as another feedback point to think about. Thank you!
Credulous wrote:. . . I did wonder if some additional rules are required regarding the Gargoyle and the quicksand? Questbook silent on that by default, but what rules would be best?. . .
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