lestodante wrote:Kurgan wrote:Or how about a totally wildcard option... what if he gets ALL the cards but can only USE up to three each quest?
Too forgiving?
Cool solution, a wider range of spells but only three are usable. Anyway , the Wizard will look even moore poor (unless you upgrade him too)!!
Playing him today, … the wizard really was nerfed in US rules. Where everything is made of toilet paper in the EU release, the wizard's got some great spells that are actually useful. Get more than a couple of quests into the US questbook though and the wizard's got one solid attack against one tough opponent and from then on he's basically tissue paper. If I actually build some house rules of my own … I'm throwing the wizard a bone, he needs one.
Yeah, we've got skill cards for barbarian and dwarf, we've got upgrades for the elf (who can use weapons and armor anyway at least), Morcar gets upgrades that grant him a threat mechanic to keep players from dallying (we discovered this is a problem too—the threat mechanic essentially makes walking into traps and and rolling for lost body points "safer" than waiting around to search for them. Two obvious solutions present themselves, and I like neither: Give up the threat mechanic or make the traps hurt enough that the players will stop…
In the US rules, the quests seem sufficiently difficult, especially later ones. The value of threat is not so much to make the game harder for the players, but to make it more fun for Morcar to actually have some strategic planning and unpredictability. And maybe to have just a little more chance of killing the players if they're not careful.
I have to think on it. I keep coming back to the fact that I didn't realize how lame the wizard really was. He needs some balance somewhere.
<InSpectreRetro> All hail Zargon!!! Morcar only has 1BP.