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Fireburst Trap

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Fireburst Trap

Postby Beiren » Saturday December 28th, 2013 6:21pm

Did anyone know about heroes getting damaged by this type of trap. Because the moment this tile is being placed you run back to were you came from and you wait a little while untill it goes of. Or do you place the fireburst trap after the first hero complete movement, or after all heroes movements?
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Re: Fireburst Trap

Postby chaoticprime » Saturday December 28th, 2013 8:46pm

You do exactly as instructed. You put the tile down when the trap gets sprung. The next time Zargon goes, it kills all your henchmen.

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Re: Fireburst Trap

Postby Beiren » Sunday December 29th, 2013 9:51am

So do you mean that you place the token the moment a player enters?
Do you mean the heroes and their mercs or only when a hero does enter. Isn't it logical that the trap gets sprung when anybody enters. But the first one sets of the trap and immediatly returns to the precious room. So the bomb explodes and nothing happened. Just slowed it a bit down.
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Re: Fireburst Trap

Postby TMU » Sunday December 29th, 2013 10:01am

Atleast in European version, you can not step on the same square twice on one round ;)
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Re: Fireburst Trap

Postby chaoticprime » Sunday December 29th, 2013 5:38pm

Beiren wrote:So do you mean that you place the token the moment a player enters?
Do you mean the heroes and their mercs or only when a hero does enter. Isn't it logical that the trap gets sprung when anybody enters. But the first one sets of the trap and immediatly returns to the precious room. So the bomb explodes and nothing happened. Just slowed it a bit down.

I was talking about the Treasure card Fireburst. The Fireburst Trap that you lay on the board is ineffectual. Its so stupid. The first person who enters the room springs it, with almost no guarantee of being affected. Its the most worthless trap.

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Re: Fireburst Trap

Postby The Road Warrior » Sunday December 29th, 2013 7:20pm

TMU wrote:Atleast in European version, you can not step on the same square twice on one round ;)

Yep, without this rule the fireburst trap is useless.
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Re: Fireburst Trap

Postby Patroclus » Sunday December 29th, 2013 8:53pm

But if you seeking a suggestion, to play it as it meant to be played you should use the European rule in every room it has a fireburst. So, the first hero who enters cannot step on the same square twice, and if he has enough movement he should go to the next room or suffer the damage.

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Re: Fireburst Trap

Postby knightkrawler » Sunday December 29th, 2013 9:04pm

We should re-rule the Fireburst matter in a community effort.
Any ideas?

A start: The first figure entering the room containing the trap triggers it. Every figure from now on moving through that room must roll 1 combat die for every second square he uses. At a white shield, the trap is triggered.

I'm aware there'll probably still only one hero in the room to be hit at any given time, but the trap has some function. Also, as the Evil Wizard player you might have a chance to chase the eroes from behind.
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Re: Fireburst Trap

Postby chaoticprime » Sunday December 29th, 2013 10:41pm

Nah, I think we should amend the trap this way:

When a Hero first enters an empty room, the trap is sprung, but not put into play. At the start of the Evil Wizard's next turn, the trap detonates. If any Hero searches for traps between before then, the trap tile gets put into play.

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Re: Fireburst Trap

Postby Teldurn » Sunday December 29th, 2013 10:45pm

I've never played any of the expansions to know how the trap plays, but going by this, there's no way to disarm it?
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