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Does Veil of Mist work on Ogres?

Discuss Quests, Cards, Monsters etc, from the Against the Ogre Horde Quest Pack.

Re: Does Veil of Mist work on Ogres?

Postby Goblin-King » Monday November 12th, 2018 5:03am

Normally in games like this, the golden rule is that if there's a conflict between the rulebook and a card, the card trumps the rulebook.
So I would say YES, Veil of Mist allows you to pass through even ogres.

In addition to that, the Wizard needs every advantage he can get to be fun to play. His spells don't need extra limitations.

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Re: Does Veil of Mist work on Ogres?

Postby wallydubbs » Monday November 12th, 2018 7:22am

Stoner81 wrote:
wallydubbs wrote:Yeah but you really can't go by the card's picture, Borin's Armor clearly shows a helmet and yet it's only meant to be plate mail that doesn't slow you down.

I see your point however, the name "Borin's Armour" implies (to me at least) that it is a full set of armour which would include a helmet, boots and bracers which incidentally a full suit of full plate mail would (I'm thinking of the armour from the Knight of Camelot etc). For this reason I don't allow plate mail (battle plate I call it) or Borin's Armour to be used in conjunction with a helmet, boots or bracers.

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That could be up for interpretation as well, I've noticed there's a difference in wording between the American and European version of Borin's Armor and Plate mail for that matter. European version gives you straight up 2 additional defense dice. Although the North American version does the same thing, it does slightly explain that Borin's Armor is plate mail that doesn't slow you down.

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Re: Does Veil of Mist work on Ogres?

Postby Stoner81 » Monday November 12th, 2018 8:10am

wallydubbs wrote:That could be up for interpretation as well, I've noticed there's a difference in wording between the American and European version of Borin's Armor and Plate mail for that matter. European version gives you straight up 2 additional defense dice. Although the North American version does the same thing, it does slightly explain that Borin's Armor is plate mail that doesn't slow you down.

This is one of the biggest reasons why this forum exists in my opinion. So we can mod the living crap out of the game and fix all this type of thing. At the end of the day you are the DM/EWP, it's your game therefore your rules. Rule it how you see fit.

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Re: Does Veil of Mist work on Ogres?

Postby wallydubbs » Monday November 26th, 2018 12:18pm

Well, through consideration of what everyone has said Veil of Mist is a spell of limited use and I really don't want to limit it any further then it has to be.

Ogre's still block line of sight and if the heroes choose to use Veil of Mist to get around the ogre, it would be a risk as they don't see anything behind him (in corridors) and they could get sandwiched.

I've been considering adding a nifty play to the Wizard's arsenal: allowing him to enchant a dagger at the cost of 1 spell, he may turn an ordinary dagger into a Magical Throwing Dagger. He will only be allowed to do this once per quest. Enchanting the dagger will cost him his actioning for 1 turn. I'm thinking Veil of Mist would be the spell most used for this action.

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Re: Does Veil of Mist work on Ogres?

Postby Jalapenotrellis » Wednesday June 30th, 2021 12:42am

If you allow them to enchant a dagger, that spell becomes the best spell because even the 3 attack spells the wizard has in the base game are not guaranteed to land, while a magical throwing dagger is.

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Re: Does Veil of Mist work on Ogres?

Postby wallydubbs » Sunday July 4th, 2021 7:16pm

Jalapenotrellis wrote:If you allow them to enchant a dagger, that spell becomes the best spell because even the 3 attack spells the wizard has in the base game are not guaranteed to land, while a magical throwing dagger is.

It doesn't seem too disruptive for the American version, where monsters can have more then 1BP.
In theory, you're correct, an enchanted dagger CANNOT fail. But I think some US players would sooner attack a Chaos Warrior with a Genie then a Magical Thowing Dagger.
Perhaps a remedy for this would be giving the Wizard the possibility of failing to enchant the dagger and thus losing a spell. Perhaps roll a combat dice and anything but a :blackshield: the enchantment succeeds.

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Re: Does Veil of Mist work on Ogres?

Postby lestodante » Thursday July 15th, 2021 12:53pm

sorry, I can't understand the connection beetween Veil of Mist and enchanting a dagger.
I agree, the Veil of Mist should not works with Ogres.

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Re: Does Veil of Mist work on Ogres?

Postby iKarith » Friday July 16th, 2021 5:32pm

lestodante wrote:sorry, I can't understand the connection beetween Veil of Mist and enchanting a dagger.
I agree, the Veil of Mist should not works with Ogres.

That seems like you're disagreeing with what seems to be the consensus here—that yeah, it should work, but that it might carry some pretty major consequences since you don't know what's beyond the ogre until you try to move past them. (With the secondary opinion that at your table you can rule it the other way if you really feel it shouldn't work.)

I personally err on the side of if the players wanna try something cool that I didn't imagine they might attempt, I wanna see how it turns out. It could make for an epic victory! (Or an epic defeat!)
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Re: Does Veil of Mist work on Ogres?

Postby Kurgan » Sunday July 18th, 2021 12:52pm

I say let 'em magically pass through the Ogres (or in the case of the De-magicified version-- slide through their legs under cover of alchemical fog/dust... just don't look up as you go, UUUGGGH).

Borin's armor is just the breastplate equivalent to Plate Mail but without the movement penalty. Now it could be that Borin fashioned other pieces of equipment out there to find...

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Re: Does Veil of Mist work on Ogres?

Postby lestodante » Sunday July 18th, 2021 3:08pm

iKarith wrote:That seems like you're disagreeing with what seems to be the consensus here—that yeah, it should work

I always try to be the most realistic I can. As someone already sayd, the spell just causes a fog to cover the enemies sight the Hero should still not pass through a Ogre, but I can accept the idea to step beetween his legs (but unprobable for me).
Also I don't allow a monster to cover the line of sight so that a hero is unable to see a second monster behind the first one; monsters do not move in sync so when the first one moves or performs an attack you can easily see what lies behind it.
Try in a corridor at home with 2 or 3 people and let me know if you are unable to see who is behind the the first person or not. It is different if a hero wish to shot at a monster using a ranged attack, in that case the line of sight is blocked because the first monster obstruct the trajectory to the second one (unless it is a Goblin in front of a Gargoyle or a similar situation).

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