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Playing EU only expansions using US rules

Discuss Quests, Cards, Monsters etc, from the Against the Ogre Horde Quest Pack.

Re: Playing EU only expansions using US rules

Postby SirRick » Saturday July 30th, 2016 7:01am

I am also interested in playing through both EU quest packs using the NA monster stats. The shear amount of ogres in the last couple quest in AotOH seems very overwhelming, but i plan on giving the players an NPC character or two and/or mercenaries. WoM doesnt look quite as bad, but most people here say its quite brutal.

We are playing a canpaign in D&D 5th ed right now, so dont know when we will ever get to it. Its possible we could have 5 heroes playing so that might help with the difficulty of EU, Elf, and Barb QPs.

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Re: Playing EU only expansions using US rules

Postby MichaelKruse » Saturday July 30th, 2016 8:44am

SirRick wrote:The shear amount of ogres in the last couple quest in AotOH seems very overwhelming

I just finished playing AtOH last weekend using US stats. Some of the quests are tough indeed, but all four heroes made it all the way through alive. Needless to say, all healing potions the heroes get in the beginning of the quest pack were used, and there was a couple of close calls... but it has to be a bit tough to be fun.
The heroes are fully equipped, carrying battle axes / long swords and crossbows - and roll 5 dice in defence (except the Wizard of course).

Now the heroes will take up a few of the fanmade quests found here at the Inn, and Anderas' EWP cards will be tested at the same time; before heading into WoM.
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