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HeroQuestFrance wrote:Look at the quest n°2 of AGAINST THE OGRE HORDE called "THE OUTER CAVES".
I've encountered a serious problem last week end with my players :
they couldn't finish the quest and I had to add a secret door !
Indeed to complete the quest, the heroes must escape by finding the exit and just before going through the 3 last rooms.
But by entering the second tiny room where the fimir is, the first hero trigs the trap and the door is blocked forever.
The wizard can walk through the wall ok but the others are... going back ?
It's a little bit unfair, they have to start again and to shoot with the bow this fimir, search for traps and try to disarm it before entering ...
Coppez wrote:haven't played the ogre horde yet but i'm going to soon. I noticed another problem in following Quest "The Pit Of Chaos". Somewhere in the bottom right section of the map you have a room with a zombie, a chest and a falling rock. So when you pass the falling rock, your trapped in there unless you are the wizard or the elf with the "Pass Through Rock Spell". And the chest isn't numbered as well.
Daedalus wrote:Coppez wrote:haven't played the ogre horde yet but i'm going to soon. I noticed another problem in following Quest "The Pit Of Chaos". Somewhere in the bottom right section of the map you have a room with a zombie, a chest and a falling rock. So when you pass the falling rock, your trapped in there unless you are the wizard or the elf with the "Pass Through Rock Spell". And the chest isn't numbered as well.
EU Falling Block: "When a character player moves through a square containing a falling block symbol, a block will fall." This should happen immediately, not after movement is complete, right? Therefore after moving into and out of (through) the square, the triggering Hero will be in the arrow square and will be subject to damage. Should he survive, he then may retreat back to the doorway to avoid being trapped. That would be wise, as the unmarked chest is a merely an empty dummy, meant to lure the Hero forward to his doom.
The next Quest, Fortress of the Ogre Lord, contains another falling block trap beyond a secret door that connects to the central chamber. This trap will seal in an incautious Hero if he doesn't immediately search for traps and secret doors at the first square of this tiny corridor section. It leaves him with just the square he is standing on--nice touch.
A Hero with a Pass Through Rock spell or spell scroll could go on a rescue mission and pass the Ring of Return to a Hero trapped by a falling block. So all is not least if the NA artifacts are used.
Daedalus wrote: EU Falling Block: "When a character player moves through a square containing a falling block symbol, a block will fall." This should happen immediately, not after movement is complete, right? Therefore after moving into and out of (through) the square, the triggering Hero will be in the arrow square and will be subject to damage. Should he survive, he then may retreat back to the doorway to avoid being trapped. That would be wise, as the unmarked chest is a merely an empty dummy, meant to lure the Hero forward to his doom.
We always played that the trigger was the rock icon and it fell on the arrow square. I think this is right, or why would it need to be on two squares?slev wrote:Growing up (UK 1st ed), the trigger and the fall was on the arrow.
Gold Bearer wrote:We always played that the trigger was the rock icon and it fell on the arrow square. I think this is right, or why would it need to be on two squares?
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