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wallydubbs wrote:I've noticed once the heroes are well established with healing potions they don't really pick Water spells anymore (at least in my group) as Veil of Mist rarely gets a chance to shine and some monsters have the luck of rolling a 6 on Sleep.
But we actually played a quest where Dust of Disappearance came in handy. This was in Lair of the Ogre Horde (from AtOH).
Note: in my game play named monsters can open doors once placed on the board. Undead will attack all living figures (Monster and Hero alike) unless controlled by a spell caster.
The heroes split up at the beginning with the Elf and Dwarf going one way while the Wizard and Barbarian went the other. The latter heroes spotted the secret door in the Eastern hallway and the Barbarian went into the room, collapsing the ceiling, leaving him alone with the Gargoyle. The Wizard was on standby with Pass Through Rock in case there was no escape from that room. After the gargoyle was defeated the Barbarian found the secret door.
Although he triggered the spear trap he took no damage and kept moving, falling into the Pit of Darkness. The Wizard then rolls a 10, runs through walls with Pass Through Rock; running through the Stone Room, into Tograk's room, Nexrael's room, and then back to the small room with the Barbarian and undead. Realizing the peril they are both in (because so many monster were just put on the board) he cast Cloak of Shadows over both of them. Although they are both safe from physical attacks while in the Shadows the Wizard can't cast spells while in there.
Nexrael opens the door and the undead swarm the Cloak of Shadows trapping the heroes in. Even if the Wizard had Veil of Mist he couldn't cast it in the Cloak of Shadows. Nexrael tries to use Mind Blast on Barbarian, who surprisingly resists (both rolled 2 skulls), Barbarian climbs out of the Pit of Darkness, then uses Dust of Disappearance (which he's had since RotWL) to run in that room, drink a Potion of Strength, and kill Nexrael on his attack phase.
Anderas wrote:What about a spell that uses a dagger and makes a magical throwing dagger from it?.... hm I have to think a little bit, also to read a little bit what the others did. Thanks for that flash of inspiration.
wallydubbs wrote:I've noticed once the heroes are well established with healing potions they don't really pick Water spells anymore (at least in my group) as Veil of Mist rarely gets a chance to shine and some monsters have the luck of rolling a 6 on Sleep.
The Admiral wrote:wallydubbs wrote:I've noticed once the heroes are well established with healing potions they don't really pick Water spells anymore (at least in my group) as Veil of Mist rarely gets a chance to shine and some monsters have the luck of rolling a 6 on Sleep.
Yeah, Veil of Mist is an often unused spell, but I always think a Healing Spell is a massive. Healing potions have to be found or purchased, but you get a healing spell back for free. Sleep always is a great spell to have in hand. It can usually be used to help take out those large and powerful, but stupid, monsters such as an Ogre, Minotaur, Troll etc.
Anderas wrote:I would argue that the Dust of Disappearance can be "tossed" on any hero as written on the card, in normal sorts of range. The range is not mentioned so maybe it is adjacent and self only.
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